ブログ 2012.10.17
Mina san! Have you ever read the book 'Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet'

The book New York Times Bestselling novel book has its love story based in Seattle's International District back to the WWII period.

If you haven't read the book, just let you know that the it is a sad & heart-warming love story about a Chinese boy who lived at Chinatown had fell in loveheart01 with a Japanese girl from Japan town. Their love were deemed as a forbidden love at 1940s, because Japan was in war against United States and China...

Last weekend, I visited the Panama hotel, where this story was based at. Nowadays, Panama Hotel has became a Cafe and a historic museum for Seattleites to visit.


You can find Japanese vintages everywhere.

A door that has Japanese Totem (紋) is no longer in use.

In the opening pages of the novel, 'Henry Lee comes upon a crowd gathered outside the Panama Hotel, once the gateway to Seattle's Japantown. It has been boarded up for decades, but now the new owner had made an incredible discovery: the belongings of Japanese families, left when they were rounded up and sent to internment camps during World War II.' (www.jamieford.com/novels)


H.I.S.シアトル支店 I believed theses are the belongings that the book was talking aboutsign03


A map of old Japan town 日本町

This will be a peace place for friend chatting, group meeting or simply a place shuttle back to 1940s...


I just became a crazy fan of this book, so I also went to the Play 舞台.
I cried so much during the whole show, because I can understand the feeling about can't fall in love with the Enemy. Unfortunately, there is no photos allowed in the theatre, I referred some pictures from online.


H.I.S.シアトル支店 (Photos by Alan Alabastro)

Lastly, I really hope
No More War!!!

日中韓米 We are all one!

Love Peace


Panama Hotel:
605 South Main St Seattle, WA 98104

Meet Jamie Ford ( the author) around your place:
Jamie's Book Tour

The Play 'Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet':
Ticket Info

シアトル支店 リスー


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