
1980 was the last year during which a train operated on New York's West Side Elevated Highway. Despite much lobbying to demolish the structure, urban explorers and local residents fought to preserve it - recognizing the beauty of the self-sustaining grasses and trees that began to flourish around the tracks. 

In 2006, approval was granted to construct what is now known as High Line Park - a perennial-covered walkway that stretches 22 blocks from Manhattan's Meatpacking district up to 34th street! Not only is this a beautiful place to smell the flowers, but also one to gaze upon the Hudson River and Manhattan skyline. とても美しいです! 


The High Line features a variety of ultramodern chairs, benches, and grassy-spots to relax on, and many people will visit one of the trendy independent coffee shops nearby before arriving. This space is also home to some lively and uplifting street artists who play the bongos, sketch views of the city, or sell custom art work to passersby. アートが好きな人ぜひここに来て見て下さい!


The abundance of nature that thrives in this area is a refreshing contrast to the industrial feel of the rest of the city. The creators of the High Line support sustainable practices, and chose mostly local plants and materials from within a 100-mile radius to build the space. The walkway's ecosystem also provides invaluable shelter for birds, bees, and a variety of other local wildlife species.


The High Line breathes life into the century-old Manhattan buildings that are just steps away, and is a wonderful experience that integrates New York culture, art, and history.すばらしいです。 

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