

80 years ago, the forgotten Hallett Nature Sanctuary in Central Park closed its doors to the public in attempt to conserve the bird species of the area. This year, the Central Park Conservancy decided to remove the metal fence blocking the entrance and allow guests to meander the sanctuary's peaceful pathways during limited hours.


You can now visit the park at the following times April~August

Monday & Friday: 14-17:00

Wednesday: 14-19:00

Sunday: 11-13:00.



月曜日&金曜日 14:00~17:00


日曜日 11:00~13:00






Central Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux in 1858. One part of the park that is astonishingly not a part of their original design is the Great Lawn. Upon the park's conception, this area was the Croton Reservoir: a magnificent piece of engineering that provided clean water to all of New York City. Now, the lawn stretches across the center of the park and has been host to talents such as the New York Philarmonic, Simon & Garfunkel, Bon Jovi, Beyoncé, and more. 

When the Rockefeller Center and 8th Avenue subway were being built in the 1930s, the city discarded the construction rubble into the reservoir, filling it up. Officials debated turning the space into a WWI memorial, an opera house, or underground parking. But they finally decided on filling the area with a vast expanse of grass, making it the Great Lawn on which people now read, sun bathe, and attend events!


1930年代に、ロックフェラーセンターと8th Avenueの地下鉄を建設していた時に瓦礫をクロトンレゼヴアーの中に埋めました。ニューヨーク市は第一次世界大戦の追悼広場を歌劇場か駐車場のそばに建てるか迷いました。しかし、この場所を芝生で覆い、グレートローンと名づけました。


It is easy to lose your way in the immensity of Central Park, but the designers thought ahead to ensure any visitors could easily find their way home.

Each lamppost or shineluminaireshine in the park has four numbers written on it. The top two numbers indicate the closest cross street, while the bottom two indicate whether you are on the East or West side of the park. (Even numbers indicate East and odd numbers indicate West.)




If you like fishing, the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center rents out fishing poles and bait for free between April and October- as long as you can present a valid ID !

They do maintain a catch and release policy though, so plan to get dinner elsewhere. fish

つりが好きだったら Charles A. Dana Discovery Center に行って、そこにID(ドライバーズ・ライセンス、パスポート)を預けるとただで釣竿と餌を借りれます。四月から十月までつりができます。捕まった魚は放さなければいけないから夕食には違う予定を作ってださい!


Bookworms like myself might get a kick out of visiting the mystical Shakespeare Garden. Every plant in that garden has been mentioned in one of Shakespeare's literary works - beside each one is a plaque with the corresponding Shakespeare quotation engraved on it! There is at least one plant in bloom in this garden 365 days of the year.

If you head to the top of the garden, you will also come across a long stone bench. Have a friend sit at one end of the bench while you sit at the other, with nobody in between you. If you whisper into the stone on one end, the voice will carry through to the other end and come out clear as a bell. 






- Hana (華夏)shine


HIS ニューヨーク支店

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