Dear Bloggers,
Welcome to lesson n.4 of our V.I.P. appointment

Today we will discuss how to deal with some very common situations and we’ll try to enrich a little bit your italian vocabulary with words or phrases of common use.
The first of these situations is definitely the one in which you have to ask how to get to a certain place, a point of interest, an hotel, a restaurant or a shop.
The first thing to do is to approach a local person, I recommend you to look for

-“Mi scusi, mi può dire la strada per l’albergo H.I.S.?" - "Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hotel HIS?"

In this case I used the hotel H.I.S. as an example but just replace it with any point of interest you want to reach.
For example:
-“Mi scusi, mi può dire la strada per i Musei Vaticani?”- "Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Vatican Museums?"
-“Mi scusi, mi può dire la strada per la stazione?”- "Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station?"
-“Mi scusi, mi può dire la strada per la posta?”- "Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office?"
Now a little vocabulary for directions:
- "Destra" - "Right"
- "Sinistra" - "Left"
- "Dritto" - "Straight"
- "Gira" - "Turn"
- "Gira a destra" - "Turn right"
- "Gira a sinistra" - "Turn left"
- “Vai dritto” or “ Sempre dritto” - "Go straight" or "Straight ahead"
- "Poi" - "Then"
-“Vai dritto e poi gira a destra”- "Go straight and then turn right"
Now we will pass to another situation that I have seen many many times here in Italy: Japanese people that have to send postcards to family members or friends.
First step: buying stamps.
To buy them you can go at the post office, but there’s usually a big line to wait for, so my personal suggestion is to go and buy them at tobacconist.
There are many tobacconists everywhere in the city, so you won’t have problem to find one. You can easily recognize them

The tobacconists sell a bit 'of everything, including items for smoking, stationery and items for shipments for example:
- "Sigarette" – “Cigarettes "

- "Accendino" - "Lighter"
-"Penna" - "Pen"
-"Libro" - "Book"
-“Busta da lettere” - "Envelope"

- "Francobollo” – “Stamp”
To find the nearest tobacconist, you can ask someone nearby:
-“Mi scusi, dov’è un tabaccaio ? - "Excuse me, where is a tobacconist?"
-“Mi scusi, mi può dire la strada per un tabaccaio? “ - "Excuse me, can you tell me the way to a tobacconist? '
Once there you can try asking for:
-Mi scusi devo spedire una cartolina in Giappone, posso avere dei francobolli per favore ? - Excuse me I have to send a postcard To Japan, may I have some stamps please?
The key words here are:
- "Spedire" - "Send"
- "Cartolina" - "Postcard"
- "Francobollo" - "Stamp"
The question above requires a good memory, something easier could be:
-“Vorrei dei francobolli per il Giappone per favore”- "I would like some stamps for Japan please"
At this point, you have to look for a mailbox

The left slot is for letters to send in the same city you are and on it is written"Per la città”-“Within the city”.
The right slot is intended for letters to send outside Italy and in the rest of the world and on it is written "Per tutte le altre destinazioni."- “For all other destinations”.

You can’t be wrong, just remind that you have to send your postcards, letters etc in the slot that is on the right!
I think that's enough for today, thank you all for reading and remember to practice your Italian! by Luca