ニュース 2013.07.29

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

The Capitoline Museums are one of the most relevant museums of the eternal city, Rome, the capital of Italy.heart01

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

The museums are located on top of the Campidoglio Square, very close to "Piazza Venezia" square and the famous Imperial fora : they are called "museums" because they consist of a variety of collections preserved into three buildings, Palazzo Nuovo, Palazzo dei conservatori and Palazzo Caffarelli-Clementino, all interconnected by an underground passage.

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

The whole tour of the museums takes about 3 hours and half: it may seem long time but it is really worthy!shine

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

Inside the museums amazing collections of roman statues, sculptures and graves, daily objects and jewelries wait the visitors. Also paintings and masterpieces of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and exhibitions of ceramic pieces are shown, because the Capitoline museums house the most anchient public picture gallery of Rome: the Capitoline Pinacoteca.

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

All the collections are closely linked to the city of Rome, and most of the exhibited pieces come from the city itself: here are preserved the famous statue of the Wolf who saved Romolo and Remo, the founders of Rome, and the original statue of the imperor Marco Aurelio.

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪ H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

Two terraces offer a wonderful view of the Imperial fora ruins and a panoramic view of the city.eye

However it may surprise You to discover also a special section of the museums dedicated to egyptian, chinese and japanese collections.

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H.I.S.イタリア支店 ♪カプチーノ天国♪

Capitoline Museums are open from Tuesday to Sunday: 9.00 am - 8.00 pm, while are closed on Monday and festivity days as December 25th, January 1st and May 1st.

You can easily get there by underground line B "Colosseo"stop, or by choosing one of the many bus lines (more than 30) that stop by: id est 84, 85, 87, 175, 810, 492, 628, 63, 81, 95, 781.run

If You have the chance please don't miss this wonderful museum: You will see thousands of amazing works of the past of Rome all collected in one museum!

Bye bye

The grannymaple


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