By Italian Staff 2014.11.29

Dear Blogger,

today I will talk about the city where I live: Rome.

The ancient Romans said: "Roma Caput Mundi". In fact, as always, the capital has been the focus of many peoples, because of its central location, but also of a city rich of history and archaeological treasures.
But Rome is not only the eternal city that every year charms the lucky visitors with its extraordinary beauty,Rome is also the mysteries and secrets.

Below I will take you to places you can not miss if sera fans of this type of tourism...

The keyhole of the Order of Malta
It is located near the Circus Maximus and from there you can walk. Approaching the eye to the lock of the door, you can see an unusual and spectacular shot of the dome of St. Peter's, framed by a tunnel of vegetation found in an alley in the garden.


The illusion of the flat dome of St. Ignatius
Situated near Via del Corso, Built in 1600 under Cardinal Ludovisi, the Church of St. Ignatius has a special feature that escapes most visitors: the dome, in fact, is not a dome. It was never built for lack of funds. Circular space allocated to it was used to paint a trompe-l'oeil, that deceives the eye. Try to walk and gaze upon the skylight dome, but hand you will find that it is fake.


The optical illusion of Via Piccolomini
After a visit to the beautiful Villa Pamphili, a short walk from the Aurelia Antica, it is worthwhile to get to the nearby Via Niccolò Piccolomini who hides a secret. From here you can enjoy an unparalleled view of the dome of St. Peter by an even better vantage point of what you have from the square in front of the basilica. But what is even more surprising is the effect: approaching the dome this seems to shrink (and then leave), while further away more you zoom up to dominate the hills around.


The monsters of the Palazzo Zuccari, Rome
Between Via Sistina and Via Gregoriana there is a building whose facade is very curious, perhaps even more disturbing in Rome. The frames of the front door and the windows are huge gaping mouths of monsters. One architectural whim of a famous baroque artist, Federico Zuccari.


Our tour could not end, however, without going outside Rome, in particular between Rocca di Papa and Ariccia, where you can reach out and touch one of the optical illusions (or magic, who knows) most famous Romans: The climb down.
To make the idea a car placed in neutral and without brake, moving slowly going up the road. A similar phenomenon also occurs even on foot; down you feel a resistance while climbing it feels like to be pushed around. The water then passes all limits and you can check with a fun experiment: pouring a bottle on the ground, you notice that first collects in a pool and then begins to rise slowly towards the beginning of the descent.

You just have to come and try it!

See you soon!

Sara clover


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