Hi Bloggers,
Today I want to talk you about the most beautiful island near Rome: THE PONZA'S ISLAND.
It is the island 's tourism immersed in the clear turquoise waters of the Gulf of Gaeta in the Tyrrhenian Sea, near to Palmarola, Zannone, Gavi, Ventotene and Santo Stefano, which together form the Pontine Archipelago. Ponza is 41 km of coastline between the FARAGLIONE LA GUARDIA ( south ) and PUNTA DELL'INCENSO ( north - east ), which make it unique in its landscape, alternating cliffs, coves, caves, and beaches including the famous Chiaia di Luna ancient greek harbor and today popular attraction for many tourists.
The territory is populated by Mediterranean plants. The PALMA NANA is the symbol of the island and
it gave the name to the island of Palmarola.
Ponza is ideal place for the practice of diving to explore the underwater caves populated by every species of flora. The island of Ponza is accessible only by sea from: Anzio, Nettuno and San Felice Circeo.
I visited it the last weekend and i departured from SAN FELICE CIRCEO by ferry.
The trip takes about an hour and it is very suggestive. The first day I visited the most famous beach of Ponza: “I Frontoni”:
The second day i rent a small boat , the best way to enjoy the holiday in Ponza, and I visited Ponza's costs: FORMIDABLE!
If you come in Rome in Summer, please visit Ponza because it's really a gratifying experience and a leap into the past.
Please contact us for more infomations!
Best Regards