By Italian Staff 2017.11.27

The Garden of Oranges, also known as Parco Savello, high up on Aventine Hill,overlooking the Tiber.
This is one of those places that only Rome can offer and make you feel to be in the eternal city.The orange trees were planted in homage to St. Domenic who founded his monastery here. It seems like a fairy tale garden!shine


This is one of the most romantic and peaceful place that offers a very beautiful view of the city,in addition to Pincio and the Gianicolo.
There is often someone who plays guitar or other musical instruments, very evocative atmosphere!
I love going there at the sunset, the sky become a painting!heart04



If you going out from there, in Cavalieri di Malta Square, you will find a large door with a small hole and if you put your eye in that hole you will see St. Peter’s dome at the end of a tunnel of plants.
In no other place in the world, you can see something like that!


Piazza Pietro d'Illiria
From October to February  7.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
March and September 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
From April to August  7.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.

Bus 81, 160, 628, 23, 30,44,280, 130,170, 716, 781 

Thank you for reading!note



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