By Italian Staff 2012.08.14

Today I will show you the country where I live.

The name is “Anguillara Sabazia”, situated in the north of Rome, in a flat area, where you can find the “Bracciano Lake” more or less 45 kilometres from Rome city centre.

The Bracciano Lake lapes three countries: Bracciano, Anguillara and Trevignano Romano.

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Anguillara is a famous tourist centre, reached by many people coming from Rome and foreign countries not only during the week-end. In fact, near the lake, there are many villas; and many house in the inner city, are used as residential place.

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The lakeside in summer period is crowd of people, here you can have a relaxing and romantic walk, take a rest, or just waching the landscape.

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There are many services for tourists, like bar, restaurants, camping, minigolf, tennis, five-a-side,game fishing,surfing and many others occasions to have a good vacation!

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The old-town centre of Anguillara is in a medieval style, it is really nice!

There are many churches, the most famous is the “Chiesa della Collegiata”;

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the access to the old town centre is trough a big door of XVI century; on the left, when you pass the door,

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you can find a little square with the "Fontana delle Anguille",

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and from where you can see the viewpoint of the country!

On the right, instead, there is a sixteenth-century palace, which today is the city hall centre.

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There are many others churches, the most pretty, but really small is the one situated in the lakeside, called “S.Maria delle Grazie”.

For the followers, in Vigna di Valle (which is a little area between Anguillara and Bracciano) there is the famous Aeronautical Museum to visit.

I really recommend to you to come and visit this nice place!!


H.I.S. Rome Alessia


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