today I would like to explain a recipe thatI really like: ricewith champagne.
The ricewith champagneisa classic dishof Italian cuisine.Very easy todo, but alsoso refinedthat can fitinamenufor a special occasion.
Ingredients: Carnarolirice350 gr Butter50 g 1 smallonion Grated Parmesan cheese100 gr Vegetable brothq.b.(500ml) Champagne500 ml
So, let's start!
First,finely chopthe onion,must besmaller than agrain of rice. Theninapan puta little olive oilandadd the onion.
At the same timeyou putthe brothina potto heat upwith Champagneand bringto a boil,thenlower the heat.
Add the riceandtoast itin the onionfor 3 minutes. When it istoastedstart addingalittle bit of the broth stirring constantlyto keep itaway from sticking tothe pan.
Keep it upuntil the endof the brothandcook the rice. Thenturn off the heatandstir inthe rice withbutter andParmesan cheese.Mix well andserve hot!
today I would like to explain a recipe thatI really like: ricewith champagne.
The ricewith champagneisa classic dishof Italian cuisine.Very easy todo, but alsoso refinedthat can fitinamenufor a special occasion.
Ingredients: Carnarolirice350 gr Butter50 g 1 smallonion Grated Parmesan cheese100 gr Vegetable brothq.b.(500ml) Champagne500 ml
So, let's start!
First,finely chopthe onion,must besmaller than agrain of rice. Theninapan puta little olive oilandadd the onion.
At the same timeyou putthe brothina potto heat upwith Champagneand bringto a boil,thenlower the heat.
Add the riceandtoast itin the onionfor 3 minutes. When it istoastedstart addingalittle bit of the broth stirring constantlyto keep itaway from sticking tothe pan.
Keep it upuntil the endof the brothandcook the rice. Thenturn off the heatandstir inthe rice withbutter andParmesan cheese.Mix well andserve hot!