new release of the Star Wars movie: The Force Awakens. after I watch movie I bought BB-8 droid for my son charismas gift.


Design wise, the BB-8 consists of a robotic ball, similar to the original Sphero, and a droid head that fits onto the ball using magnets. Under the head, there are a set of wheels that allow it to move around and stay in place on top of the body of the BB-8 while it is in motion. 



YouTube: BB-8 App-Enabled Droid || Built by Sphero

BB-8 is about the size of a baseball and fits in the palm of a hand. If you have a Sphero already, the body of the BB-8 is the same size as the Sphero ball. The head is about the size of half a ping pong ball and is adorned with two ornamental antennae. The body and the head are both made of a smooth plastic and there are LEDs inside that allow BB-8 to light up. This is a pretty durable plastic - even when BB-8 slammed into walls, it remained undamaged. Plastic is breakable though, and it's still worth being gentle with BB-8.



The body of the BB-8 is basically a Sphero ball that's been painted with Star Wars markings to match the BB-8 of the movie, with a matching head stuck on top. If you've used a Sphero, you can get an idea of how the BB-8 looks and feels in action.


Img_5483Inside the BB-8 is a gyroscope used to determine orientation, electronics and a motor to power it, a set of wheels that make the ball roll, magnets that hold onto the head, and counterweights to keep it all upright. That's a bit of a simplification of what's inside, but it basically works by propelling itself with those internal wheels.


Img_5479BB-8 connects to and is controlled by an iPhone that uses Bluetooth to send commands to the ball. It has a 30 meter range and it lasts for approximately 60 minutes on one charge. That may sound short, but I doubt most play sessions are going to last longer than that simply because you'll run out of things to do with the BB-8.



Sl1600Without an iPhone or an Android smartphone, you won't be able to do much with the BB-8. Even the BB-8's sounds come from the iPhone, which is a little disappointing. It would be a better experience if the ball itself was able to make the requisite noises. When not in use or when charging, the BB-8 sits on a matching inductive charging base that plugs into the wall.



Controls, Performance, and App Features

The BB-8 app is what adds a lot of the magic to the BB-8 droid. As mentioned above, it's used as a way to control the BB-8 and it supplies sound. There are also several built-in extras that offer up a few more things to do with the toy.


There are three interactive modes in the app: Drive, Message, and Patrol, along with a Settings app. The Drive interface is the main mode that's used, and it consists of a virtual directional pad that can be moved to control where the BB-8 goes. There's also a virtual BB-8 on the screen, which is an orientation-based control method used to line up the blue light in the actual BB-8 with the user's direction. BB-8 moves in the direction where the blue light is pointing, which keeps him on track even at high speeds.


Sl1601Sphero's been making robotic toys for a long time, but the company found its niche with the BB-8. I've used Sphero balls several times in the past and have been underwhelmed, but the BB-8, with its Star Wars branding, personality, app features, and adorable droid sounds, really outshines past products. The BB-8 is without a doubt Sphero's best toy yet, and if you don't mind shelling out $149 on a robotic iPhone-controlled ball that might not have a lot of lasting potential beyond being a collector's item, BB-8 is worth the cash.

長い間Sphero社はロボットのおもちゃを作り続けてきましたが、この「BB-8」で本当のニッチな市場を見つけました。私はSphero ballを何度か使ってがっかりさせられましたが、この「BB-8」はスターウォーズブランド、パーソナライズ、アプリの特性とかわいらしいロボット音によってこれまでにはない商品として強く輝いています。「BB-8」はSphero社のベストトイではないかもしれません。コレクターズアイテムとしてだけでなく149ドルの価値を見出せるアイテムだと思います。



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