Hey how is everyone doing It’s been a while but I wonder if you all remember me? Its me Moemoeparadisesign03

Today I want to talk about something serious… yes this can happen to anyone and everyone once in there lifetime. When you travel away from your home for a long time and you are in a place that your culture is not the dominant power you tend to become somewhat lonelydespair… sandweep… and then become miserable and negativeshock. This is called home-sickness and this is a normal occurrence to most people who travel or live abroad for a period of time.

But wait!paper Before you get all sulky and wet your pillow from a lonely night nightat your house, there is a solution for this! What is something that everyone loves to do? Yes it’s to EATnoodle!! but some say “I don’t feel like eating”… well that is a major problem. We have to eat to keep our body healthyrun and that could keep your mind stronghappy01, but if you lack the physical strength then, your mind will start to come apart and your home-sickness will get even worse.

Now I present to you (if you are from Japan) the solution to all home-sickness Melon Bread!! (made in Hawaii!!)

Melon Bread

Before the great food=> look at her, she looks so sad and depressed.

With a little help of this wonderfully delicious role =>

After a little bite of food!! The awesome smile that can cheer other people’s home-sickness away!!

If you wish to learn more such as drinks and certain entertainment, feel free to leave a comment below!


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